There is something precious about the trust in which babies place adults. It's almost sounds ridiculous, because that's what babies do -- they can't help themselves. And yet, you take it for granted until you're face to face with it ... and you realize (in my case, at least) that you're a big, big man with large feet and little depth perception when you've got two Nikons around your neck.
Such were my thoughts as I was photographing Claire, not quite two months old, one morning between feedings and bath. Her mom was quite the pro, and if she was nervous to have all this equipment and attention around Claire, she (mom) didn't show it.
The session went rather well, though I'm always reminded that baby sessions are as much sitting around as they are taking photos. Babies seem to last about 15 minutes between please-provide-the-necessary-basics panic attacks. Thus I saw Claire fed, then changed, then fed again, then given a bath, and finally put to sleep.
After all that, I was ready for the exact same sequence of events, but my lovely wife had work to do, so I had to make my own lunch when I got home.
Enjoy a few other photos of Claire. She was a joy to work with, and I look forward to repeating the process for her when she's a bit older.