With a smile like that, no wonder Winston was the big hit of my recent photoshoot!
My neighbors Terry and Trina asked me to photography their son, Lance, and his girlfriend, Katherine, over Spring Break ... but the real star of the shoot was Winston, their year-old basset hound. Winston's a drool machine, a deep barker and three times as long as he is tall. His ears drag on the ground and when he's done walking, he'll just up and stop, however far you are from home, and refuse to continue unless he's carried the rest of the way.
Needless to say, he's a charmer. :)

We had a great time, and our neighborhood – like the rest of middle Tennessee – is just on the edge of full-fledged spring bloom. We hit a few of our favorite Westhaven spots, and of course ended up by the fountain, where Winston was just about finished ... it's funny – kids and dogs all seem to have about a 45-minute limit to how cute they'll be on command.
I think Lance, Katherine, Terry and Trina all were happy with the results. And Winston? It was the most Beggin' Strips he'd ever eaten in one afternoon.

1 comment:
Nice photos Paul! You should check out erinvey.com for pet photography inspiration!
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