How could I say no?
We picked a bright, sunny afternoon and visited several spots in Westhaven: the park and path along Pearl Street, the Residents' Club, and the park/fire pit on Wire Grass. Amina and I don't have children -- Trotter manages to keep us pretty busy all by himself -- but I walked away from this one with a renewed appreciation for the jobs that parents have to do ... managing to keep four kids (1) in cooperative moods and (2) relatively free of grass stains and other blemishes?
However Scott and Laura did it, they obviously had practiced it long before. One thing that didn't change, though -- getting all four kids to smile at the same time, and looking in the same direction. Laura was able to do impressions of the kids, right behind my shoulder, to achieve the laughter ...

I wasn't sure about that shot as I pressed the button, but looking at it later, I liked it quite a lot. But this one -- this one I knew was gold as it was happening:

We had a wonderful time with the family, and I think they were quite pleased with the results.
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